The Power is in Your Hands
What is EFT?
EFT is a powerful DIY somatic processing tool that uses gentle, percussive tapping on certain end points of the meridians, or energy pathways of the body. I like to think of it as emotional acupuncture.
It combines the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine with concepts based in modern psychology, while breathing love and acceptance into areas where, often, there has been none.
EFT addresses issues at their root, by focusing on the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs associated. This equation neutralizes these issues, often permanently!
The Meridian Energy System of the body
What to Expect in a Tapping Session…
In a tapping session, I guide you through a process of inquiry relating to your specific issue. I walk you through the tapping points, and then, we tap as we talk about your issue in an interactive call and response manner.
EFT works best when your actual words about your beliefs and experiences are used. I facilitate my tapping sessions in a way where the client is in charge, where everything that is said is lined up with the client’s truth about their experiences.
It is my belief that genuine love and acceptance is the healing elixir for all wounds, and I make sure to create a safe environment for you to delve into your issue so that you can experience the healing for yourself.
The Body Mind Connection
There is an unmistakable connection between our emotional states and our physical and mental well being. When something stressful or traumatic happens, the body must process the emotional response, sooner or later.
Many times, we don’t have the tools to adequately process such events as soon as they occur. The body stores this information away till we are able to deal with it. In the meantime, beliefs are formed about our experiences in the world.
When too many of these unprocessed events and beliefs accumulate, physical, emotional and mental issues, and even disease, can take root, severely impacting our quality of life.
That is where EFT comes in.
“The EFT process is the best emotional coping mechanism I have found. It is a journey that takes me directly to the inner thorns. Thanks to Caitlin’s indisputably effective process, I am no longer in my own way!
I have been guided through releasing painful emotional gunk that’s been in the background of my life, and have been able to make amends with myself.
I am now thriving and enjoying life as a whole, emotionally stable being. It is amazing that this can be done through a computer screen!”